Giving Back at AGi

At AGi, we strive to create and inspire a culture of generosity amongst our team, families, and communities. All values and operations flow from this core belief. In this, we participate and actively encourage our team to participate in various service projects, both home and abroad. By adopting this approach, our team is part of the change we hope to make in the world.

We support and volunteer with:

Big Brother Big Sister of the Laurel Region

We frequently partner with and sponsor events for Big Brothers Big Sisters, including their Christmas Party and Big Night Out Gala, both in 2022, and annual Golf for Kids’ Sake.

DR Service Projects

Every other year, we travel to several underprivileged communities in the Dominican Republic to install water filtration systems, which provided clean water to these communities for the first time. We also helped build a small house for those in need.

AGI Cares Initiative

In alignment with our core values, we support a variety of causes close to our employees’ hearts. We have fundraised for various health conditions including Breast Cancer (October 2019), Alzheimer’s Disease (November 2020), and Kidney Disease (March 2021).