Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety Policy

AGiRepair shall operate in a manner, so reasonably practicable, which serves to protect the Environment and enhance the Health and Safety of our Team Members, our Clients, and our Community. To accomplish this AGiRepair has established a QEHS management system which provides the essential framework needed to successfully reach our objectives. We shall work to exceed the needs and expectations of those we serve, through the continual improvement of this system.

Our Commitment

Reducing injury and illness by providing a safe and healthy work environment.

Eliminating workplace injuries through the identification and control of workplace hazards and occupational safety risks.

The consultation and participation of employees at all levels of the organization.

Compliance with all applicable legal requirements relative to the Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety aspects of our business.

Reducing our environmental impact by practicing responsible recycling techniques.

Managing used and end of life electronic equipment based on a hierarchy of reuse, refurbish, recover, recycle.

Protecting the environment by managing Focus Materials throughout the recycling chain to final disposition.

Setting objectives designed to improve the quality of goods and services.

8 - 5.2.1-P QEHS Policy - 1.1   Effective Date: 01/01/2024